Welcome to the Thesis Laboratory support forums! This area was created for you to ask questions about your skin/box downloads, keep you updated about new product releases and provide change-log/update information to current customers.
If you have purchased a skin or you downloaded content from Thesis Laboratory, I suggest you bookmark this page to help ensure you stay updated with any new information.
If you have questions that are outside the scope of our support forums, you can send an email here and I will get back to you with any information/support I can.
Thesis Laboratory Support
For questions pertaining to your Thesis Laboratory downloads, visit the forum page here and start a topic within the appropriate section.
As of now, support will be provided free to everyone (unless non-customers abuse), the only condition is that you must register a free account to post topics or answer forum questions. Click here to register a new account and begin using the forums.
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By using the form below, you can sign-up to receive update information and announcements directly in your mailbox.
This is the best way to ensure you don’t miss out on updates and you will also receive early-bird announcements for new products.